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Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The last of Phoctober

And so… it is the last day of October and phoctober comes to an end. What will I do tomorrow, I wonder? I shall possibly sit here and wonder what on earth to write about!

I have to thank Maht of The Moon Topples for running phoctober. I don’t think he can ever possibly imagine just how much phoctober has given me. It has, for one, given me a huge boost in getting back into photography, something I used to love but simply gave up on when development costs became too high. And although I’ve dabbled a little since getting my new camera there hasn’t really been much aim or objective to that playing around. Phoctober, however, gave me the purpose that’s been missing. And in going out and exploring and finding things to photograph, I’ve learned to see again, as it were. Photography, I remembered, makes us look at the world with fresh, observant eyes – everything becomes an opportunity to find the beauty or the dramatic not just in the wonder of the natural landscape and changing seasons but in the ordinary and often the overlooked. I find myself driving and walking around looking at all sorts of things and thinking “Ooh! That would make a great shot!” Or “Yes, that could be the start of a brilliant series!” Or, “There is a chance for some photojournalism, a story to tell, that must be told.” But more than that, Maht has given me the opportunity for something else; to look at my own surroundings and realize how incredibly blessed I am to live amidst such amazing beauty. And in doing so, I’ve come to gain some balance to my perspective of the country I live in. Yes, of course the crime and the violence and the corruption, the greed and the poverty and the AIDS pandemic are all still here (I have taken shots that reveal some of those aspects too). Yes, the insecurity and irony of living here remains – but, and this has been critical, it has been given symmetry, been equalized by the sheer beauty that is this land. I remember long ago saying that if South Africa could resolve its people problems this would indeed be paradise. Perhaps once it was the original garden of Eden - given that it is said to be the cradle of mankind as homo sapiens and humanity spluttered and bumbled its way into being.
And so, Maht, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for what you’ve given me in hosting phoctober. And yes, fellow bloggers, this means I will probably continue to post photographs on my blog and on Flickr - though perhaps with less intensity!

And so to the final phoctober post… Continuing the theme of beauty, I thought I might show you my more immediate surroundings. Now try not to be too envious when I tell you that these shots were taken at a location which is but a five minute drive from my doorstep… Yes, this is what I live amongst, and you’re right, I am indeed very blessed – both to be able to “see” it and enjoy it!

And a special note to Verilion who seems concerned about these things - yes, the wine is very good! Come along and try some, one day.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Bubbles in Bottles

On the second last day of Phoctober... bubbles, bottles, light and shadows.

Monday, October 29, 2007

My 100 Post

welcome!! This Is My 100th Post for This blog http://mydzi.blogspot.com/ . I want to make this post quit special but I don't know what to do for making it special. anyway i am very happy on this post .I would like to Thanks All the redears and all friends who have supports me always by giving advise , how to improved my blogging. And All the redears without you I am not able to countinue my blogging to this post. Thanks Again.

As you know my mostely post are about Tibetan and Nepalise handicraft (Statue,Thanka Paintings, Bodhisatwas and etc. ) and it's culture. so whenever somebody told me that my blog are very helpful for knowing handicraft about Himalaya region and it's culture . It's make me always try to post again and again. but still I am not that perfect . I would like to improve my writing skills but i don't know what is my weak point so plz guide me if i am doing any mistake you can always tell me what to do . so friends thanks again .

Here are some very good quality statues that i would like to share today. also i have many new Thanka collection of Lord Ganesh ,Mandala, wheel of life ,and many more gods and goddess that i will post later .

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Halloween hunts ahoy!

Sorry I haven't been updating. I've gotten swamped in freebie land and hope this update suffices for a while.

Following are a list of Halloween hunts going on in SL and/or Halloween freebies:

Devilish Cupcake/Analise Silks: The dollarbie cupcake hunt Oct. 7- Oct. 31
You get a cute dress and lots of accessories.

Bad Kitty cute dress @ Fashion Mode shopping center.

In Bloom has a hunt going on for candy corn.

The Lo Lo Sim is also having a hunt. Over 20 Pumpkins are hidden on the Lo Lo. Find them for gifts from Carolie's Jewelry and Second Thoughts. Hunt runs through October 31st.

Deviant Kitties (I had to fight the urge of posting that all in caps!) is having a pumpkin hunt too eyes, shoes, skins, and hair to be found. At least some of these items are unisex so grab your guys! slur

Hazel and Lilibeth are having an amazing 0-64 (there are at least a couple bonus #13's too) item googlie eyed monster hunt at the delightful Talisman Design Store.

And across the street from Talisman's at Tulin Designs there are 13 black cats waiting to be discovered. Very guy friendly!

Carryn Concord of Tickled Pink put out a couple cloaks, cat ear/tail combos, and other devilish delights out for grabs at her store.

LVS & Co has the cutest Halloween Street with nice Halloween surprises out. So go and check it out!

ILLY Creations has a great pumpkin hunt and outfits out!

Raven-Wear is having a sculpty skull and pumpkin hunt. Please find #7 or #15 and prove to me that they do exist! Don't forget to check out Raven's store because she has both guys and girls stuff at excellent prices (starting from $1 in the $50 or less room)!

Love, Aly has a halloween hunt going on. Find the 6 pieces of candy in the store and check out cute accessories for you home, dresses, and outfits. =)

One of my favorite haunts Hell's Medical Center has departed from nursing gear to design an extra cute Halloween Inspired Dress. Everything at the center is free and there's a super nifty non Halloween shirts and vehicles for guys.

*DG* Innovations is having a spider hunt! Find all 21 roaming around the store.

Each store on the MIA sim is providing a free Halloween gift. But, that isn't it! The MIA sim is also hosting a fantasy fun hunt (60 mushrooms). And since MIA is the Men in Action sim all the prizes are very guy friendly. (If you wander to the adjacent Bailers Island Sim there is an autumn inspired hunt going on!)

Gracile has a wonderful witches hair with hat for free.

The LicoLico Sim also has some great freebies and dollarbies littered around their Halloween Mall.

Little Heaven has put out the coolest brooms with poses. ^^

EACH PUMPKIN COST $25~ My all time favorite jewelry Alienbear is having an amazing hunt that runs until Nov. 1st for the cutest Halloween jewels!

There's also a Pumpkin Hunt @ Urban Shopper's that includes some really nice tattoos.

Lastly if you want my freebie Spooky Dress then head to Spazola's and pick it up for a whopping $0. And it will probably be up for a while bc/s I'm getting all 4 of my wisdom teeth yanked for Halloween.

****If there are any additional hunts or freebies I'll update below.*****

(ENDED) Panty Raid going on on Mischief Isle Janie Marlowe provides a direct lm to her store in her blog.

Sylvia Campbell's free Halloween dress and shoes.

Lily's Be Mused is having a hunt for those pesky googlied eye buggers. And she also has 1, 2, 3 free musketeer outfits up for grabs. So check it out and fall in love with her lovely hats!

Mina Junk is having a scarecrow hunt for cute book satchels at her store $1/. (The scarecrows have invaded the SIM! Collect the free scarecrows littered around the sim and then build a scarecrow using the parts from the hunt. ) There's also a bear in Draconic Kiss. ;)

Another pumpkin hunt a couple of these pumpkins feature fp freebies that you may have missed that are fun to have on hand (like trampolines, etc) others pumpkins feature the designer's duds: check it out at Bootiful Creations!

********* Yet still more:

Pat the Pink Pumpkin is going on at the Adored Clothing and Hair Main Store

Weird Shit is having a pumpkin hunt with lots of weird yet wonderful prizes that are both female and male friendly.

Awesome Designs has a nice orange Halloween themed dress. If you happen to stop buy and grab it don't forget to look around. Not only does Julia have lovely dresses, shoes, nails, but a great low priced clearance section!

SK Design Fashion Clothes has a free fairy elf dress with the most awesome wings up for grabs.

QC Designs has a set of free spider silks up for grabs!

Crushed Velvet
has free costumes for both guys and girls along with a wide selection of costumes offered year around.

******* More updates:
Pixel Dolls is having a pumpkin hunt and of course since both male and female clothes are available at Port Seraphine both are available in the hunt!

Artilleri is also offering up dollarbie skulls (20) around their sim.

Doorways and Windows

There is something evocative, I find, about doorways and windows and shop façades…the prospect of a glimpse into another (or another’s) world. I remember when I first lived in the UK gazing in wonder at the brightly lit windows at Christmas time…trees and tinsel sparkling behind the glass, families gathered together, manikins dressed up doing Santa’s work in faux snow – it was like looking in on a story. No, it wasn’t “like” – it was looking in - on multiple stories. I remember too, walking along the street on the Ile de la Cité in Paris at night, staring up into the golden windows of old mansions that held sumptuous wealth, multiple tales, rich and varied lives… I suppose it comes back to a writer’s imagination and an inherent love of a good story well told, of the opportunities for magic and make believe, the desire for glimpses of things that lie beyond, an innate curiousity and wonderment at the worlds and peoples around me… I like to look, to imagine, to make up – you might say I’m a voyeur of life and its potential and possibilities.

And so, continuing the phoctober theme, some glimpses through doorways, of windows and façades all rich with a promise of story… The photos, once again, were taken in that little corner of France not too far from where I live… Why don’t you tell me what stories you see through the glass and the doorways…

Enter the darkened doorway to behold the treasures within, flying carpet, magical lamps...

Multiple lives painted in colour...

Through the door, beyond the twinkling lights, a witch doctor, an elf and a princess are gathered...

In a land of bubbling chocolate creatures arose amidst plumes of vanilla, strawberry, amarula...

She's waited a long time, hidden with her memories, waiting for him, for all time...

His lips are sealed but his soul speaks in volumes... Oh he has many tales to tell...

Outside is sunny, inside things whisper, rustle and wait... Take me home, they sigh, take me home...

Sunday, October 28, 2007

FEAST! Franschhoek Food, a Thoughtful Award and... Babies!

Continuing the Franschhoek theme started yesterday along with phoctober fun.

These are scenes of pavement cafes and restaurants along the main street of Franschhoek - called Huguenot Street. If they look a little empty it's because most had finished munching - it was about three in the afternoon and a Thursday. On the weekend, if you don't make a reservation, the chances of finding lunch anywhere are slim and diners are known to linger until four in the afternoon! It's that popular. We had lunch at La Petite Ferme, just a little way out the village, perched on the mountainside looking out over the valley. No photographs of the sublime views, I'm afraid, as elderly ladies, I've learned, like to eat and run. Time is, I suspect, too short to linger...

The weekend fun continues... Sameera has very kindly given me a "Thoughtful Blog Reader" award. Thank you, Sameera!

She said, "I felt an award should be there to celebrate not the writers alone, but the readers as well. Reading is not a passive process as most people think it to be; it takes great depth ofmind to understand the true essence of what the writer wants to convey". The award is "for those people who have constantly motivated me with their opinions till now, each in their unique way."

As with all bloggy awards, the idea is to pass this on. I, however, have a slight problem with this... I know there are many who read my blog and think about what I've said but they don't leave comments, which means I don't really know who my most thoughtful readers might be. So, here's what I'll do - I'm passing this award on to each and every one of you who reads my blog. Thank you for taking the time to stop by, thank you to those who add a few words and thank you to all the readers of this blog for sharing my blogging journey with me. This one is for all of you. Please put the award up on your blog and please, in keeping with the spirit of the award, pass it on.


And now.... THE BREAKING NEWS!!!

We have babies...!!! Yes, spring is definitely here! The guinea fowl, who've been displaying the most bizarre mating behaviour are finally starting to see the er... fruits of their um... labour...

This particular family of guinea fowl have nested in my neighbour's garden and the shots are taken kneeling on the composter, hanging over the garden wall with a 300mm zoom lens! I'm guessing the chicks must be about a week old. In another two weeks or so they should be big enough to flutter and flap their way over the six foot wall and into our garden where there's always a feast waiting.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Franschhoek Fun

Well, my week of "travels with my aunt" was not quite what I'd hoped it would be from a photographic experience. Pickings were decidedly slim, courtesy of inclement spring weather - we're doing spring, summer, autumn, winter all in a day at the moment - and also because my aunt was far more interested in talking than sight-seeing. It would have been a little rude, I thought, if I was clicking away, while she was telling tales of my grandmother. On that front, however, the week proved to be most interesting - I learned all sorts of things about my grandparents that I never knew. I hope, at some point to do something of a tribute to my grandmother from whom I inherited my love of storytelling - but I'll save that for November.

For now, we need to get on with phoctober and on one day out I managed to get some half-decent shots in a small village about an hour's drive from Cape Town. Called Franschhoek, which literally means "French Corner", the village is an absolute delight and thusly generally overrun by tourists. Additionally, most of the farms - all vineyards - in the area have been bought by wealthy Germans, French and a few others besides. Unsurprisingly, as the village has come to life, property prices have skyrocketed... But it's not all "bad". Franschhoek boasts some of the best restaurants in the country and generally, it is very laidback and extremely beautiful - even if it does have a small element of the chi-chi about it with a preponderance of beauty spas and restaurants that might seriously dent all but a tourist's pocket. (Your money is worth considerably more than ours...)

Franschhoek was originally settled in 1688 by pioneering French Huguenots who fled their homeland when protestantism was outlawed - when the Edict of Nantes was revoked. The Dutch government of the time gave many of the families land in what was then known as Oliphants Hoek - Elephant Corner (named so because of the herds of elephant which roamed there). Farms such as La Motte, La Cotte, Cabriere, Provence, Chamonix, Dieu Donne and La Dauphine were among the first established. Most still retain their original farm houses and have grown into renowned wineries. The French heritage no doubt also goes a long way to explaining the superb food to be found in and around the village.

Take a look at either of these two websites (Franschhoek.org or Franschhoek.co.za) if you want to know more about a truly lovely area which I'm afraid my hastily snapped shots simply don't do justice to. Given that I feel the need to go out and do better, I suspect I'll be gadding off there again in the not too distant future - after all, no one can argue with the prospect of a good day out with beautiful scenery and fine food and wine! As we always say when we go there, "Oh shucks, another hellish day in Africa..."

Since I'm enjoying phoctober so much, I thought I'd run the shots over a few days - if you'd like to see them - would you? I thought I might do pavement cafes, shops, town vistas, scenes and almost aerial landscapes - i.e. shot from the window of a speeding car! That will no doubt take us into November and I'm not sure what I'll have to call phoctober then! Any suggestions? Photember? Novephoto?

But let's get on with some initial views - we'll step through the door and see where we go...

The town hall - a form of Cape Dutch architecture which often bears a striking resemblance to swirly ice cream in cones...

The village church - the Dutch Reformed Church or as it is known locally the Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerk...

The NGK developed amongst the Boers - the people of the Afrikaner nation, who included Dutch, French, German, Scottish and other Europeans. The religion is fundamentally Calvinist and given the isolation of these settlers they shut out influences of the Enlightenment.
Plantation slavery was often seen as a form of evangelism and ultimately the Dutch Reformed religion came to be closely associated with apartheid policies as the religion became increasingly nationalised. You can read more here.

The old church bell

It might not have a great legacy but the setting is surely a divine wonder

A painted wall - a much more fun form of graffiti!

Welcome Again To mydzi Blog

Big Statues Behind SwayembhuNath Temple
Hi Friends,
It's Been while I haven't Updated This Blog. I guess Many of you know Why ?
I went back to Nepal . I was in Nepal for a month . And just Yesterday came back to BKK . Before went to Nepal , there are many rumors About Strike and many News about Situation in Nepal. But when I reach there I found News are totally wrong. Everything is perfect. All People are celebrating "Indra Jatra" festival(Which is celebrate for a week ) I was in Nepal 28 Sep, so I am able to celebrate the last day of this festival. About my Journey and festival I will tell you later . I spent lots of my time Only in Kathmandu.(so sad!! no time to visit other place)
So I would like To Share Some Pictures From Kathmandu Valley.

Above Temple Called Rajrajeshwori or"PANCHA DEVAL" means Five Temple. There are five temple of Lord Shiva . It is situated on Near Pashupati Nath Temple. Click this link PANCHA DEVAL for View panographies (360 degree image).

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Thursday, October 25, 2007


I yearned for you

and you were there

I called out to you

and you came to me

I danced with you

in that place inbetween

We held each other close

and my soul sang

Merged with you

the universal energy surged

and joy flooded my being

Joined and separated

now joined again

you are me

and I am you

that’s really all there is to it

Phoctober is proving to be sooo much fun!