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Monday, February 28, 2011

Resistance Is Futile: We Will Not Assimilate

Erdogan: The New Ottoman Empire

I posted yesterday about the Turkish prime minister’s bullying attitude towards Germany, and the willingness of Germany’s political class to put up with it, and perhaps even to give in to it.

Several commenters pointed out that the attitude of German citizens concerning Turkish immigration is very different from that displayed by their leaders. Ordinary people are fed up with immigrants and ghettos and mosques and crime, and want their country to be German again.

The same might be said of virtually any country in the West — the vast majority of people oppose mass immigration, and if given a chance will vote for parties that share that opinion and act on it. There is a disconnect between policies implemented by the political leadership and the feelings of the electorate, and yesterday’s post invited readers to analyze of the reasons for that disconnect.

Tonight I’ll take a look at the German-Turkish relationship from a different angle. The following article from Der Spiegel reports on Prime Minister Erdogan’s love-fest with ethnic Turks during his visit to Germany. You’ll notice that Mr. Erdogan does not act like a distinguished visitor from a foreign land, but rather an overlord visiting a vassal state.

It’s obvious that he considers the Turks in Germany to be his soldiers on the front lines of the Turkish colonization of Europe:

Erdogan Urges Turks Not to Assimilate

‘You Are Part of Germany, But Also Part of Our Great Turkey’

Thousands of Turkish immigrants gave Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan a rock star welcome in Germany on Sunday in a show of national pride that remains fervent, even after decades spent in Germany. He told them they remain part of Turkey, and urged them to integrate into German society — but not to assimilate.

The lyric keeps echoing around the hall in Düsseldorf. “The land belongs to us all.” The sentence isn’t referring to Germany, but to Turkey.

And any place in Germany where Turks reside is now Turkish soil — this much is clear. The prime minister referred to “Great Turkey”, but he might just as well have said “Greater Turkey”, which would include the heart of most major German cities.

The article continues:
Immigrants are waving hundreds of Turkish flags and the chanting and the music are deafening. One woman shouts “Turkey is great!” into a microphone to cheers from the crowd. Everyone in the ISS Dome, a huge sports and concert venue, is fired up, as if they’re waiting for a rock star. There’s only one show in town this Sunday, and his name is Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

The Turkish prime minister has come to Germany. He wants to meet Chancellor Angela Merkel but first he wants to speak to his “compatriots.” To people who have been living in Germany for decades, who were born here, and of whom many have German passports.

They have come from all over Germany to see him live, some 10,000 people. They say things like: “The Germans will never accept us, but we have Erdogan.” Or: “At last someone feels responsible for us, for the first time a Turkish prime minister isn’t forgetting his compatriots abroad.” One woman says: “Erdogan may get Merkel to see us as part of this society. He is our savior.”


Muslim immigrants have been the focus of a heated public debate in Germany over the last year, with conservative commentators and politicians accusing them of failing to integrate into German society. Many immigrants in turn complain that they are still being called “foreigners” even if they were born in Germany, have German citizenship and speak the language perfectly.

This illustrates the doublethink that is pounded into German heads over and over again by the reigning dogmata of Multiculturalism.

One the one hand, Turks refuse to assimilate as a matter of principle. In this they are publicly encouraged by the Turkish prime minister, who rejects assimilation for Turks in foreign lands — he has referred to assimilation as equivalent to genocide.

Yet Germans are to blame if they consider Turks foreigners. Despite the fact that their “guest-workers” have insisted on remaining foreigners in Germany, generation after generation, Germans are somehow to blame for viewing them as foreigners.

Such is the maddening illogic of Orthodox Multicultural doctrine.

And Prime Minister Erdogan is eager to encourage, enhance, and cultivate the alienation of his fellow Turks in Germany:

Erdogan wants to give his audience a clear identity. “They call you guest workers, foreigners, or German Turks. It doesn’t matter what they all call you: You are my fellow citizens, you are my people, you are my friends, you are my brothers and sisters!”

“You are part of Germany, but you are also part our great Turkey,” says Erdogan.

And here’s the clincher:

It sounds like a domestic campaign speech ahead of elections in Turkey this summer. Erdogan is wooing for votes among Germany’s Turkish population. In previous elections, immigrants with Turkish passports flew to Ankara, Istanbul or Antalya just to cast their ballots at the airport.

Let’s recapitulate: Turks come to Germany as “guests”, stay there for generations, refuse on principle to assimilate, and vote in Turkish elections.

And yet they must not be thought of as foreigners. Multiculturalism forbids it.

This is madness!

The ultimate goal, of course, is Turkish entry into the EU and a totally unrestricted flow of Turks into Germany and any other locations in Europe they find attractive:

In a newspaper interview published ahead of his speech, Erdogan urged Merkel to drop her opposition to Turkey’s accession to the EU. “Never have such political obstacles been put in the path of an accession country,” he said.


And then he repeats the sentence that caused such a stir at a speech he held in Cologne three years ago. He warns Turks against assimilating themselves. “Yes, integrate yourselves into German society but don’t assimilate yourselves. No one has the right to deprive us of our culture and our identity.”

There follows a stern warning to the German press about how it may report on what he says:

Erdogan knows that this statement amounts to a provocation in Germany — no politician here is demanding that Turkish immigrants should deny their roots or give up their culture. Erdogan adds: “German newspapers will pick up on this tomorrow, but that’s a mistake.”

And, as usual, the trump card: Nazi! Nazi!! NAZI!!! Just in case the Germans hadn’t gotten the message yet:

His message to devout Muslims is similar. “Islamophobia should be seen in the same way as anti-Semitism,” he says.

The guidelines for adapting to Germany are to be decided by the Turks, and the Turks alone:

It was a call for more integration but with strict conditions attached. Adapt yourselves a bit, don’t allow yourselves to be treated badly and if there’s a problem, I’ll come and help! It was a speech that did nothing to reinforce any feeling of belonging to Germany — Erdogan steadfastly appealed to the Turkish national pride of people who have been at home in Germany for four generations.

So all the shots are called by the Turks:

  • Assimilate? No.
  • Integrate? Maybe a bit, but only in ways that we decide.
  • Give up any part of our Turkish culture? Never!
  • Accept guidance from the Germans on how we conduct our affairs? No way!

The big question for the Germans to answer is:

How much longer will we put up with this?

Hat tip: C. Cantoni.

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