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Sunday, July 26, 2009

Wattle I Shoot Next?

It's Like Watching Golden Snowflakes

Photographs copyright: DAVID McMAHON

Now that there's just over a month before we move from winter into spring, the colours are slowly coming alive. Yes, the ski slopes are getting fresh, deep snow. Yes, there's been a bit of rain. Yes, we're still getting frosty mornings. Yes, the wind still bites through you even when the sun is shining brightly.

But the wattle has been blooming for a couple of weeks now - always the first sign that warmer weather is promised in the next few weeks.

I shot these images last weekend, but I should have known better. It's very hard to shoot close-ups of wattle, even in the slightest breeze.

Because each wattle blossom is so minute - they are literally about a centimetre across, they dance and bob around wildly, even in a gentle breeze. The day I took these shots, the breeze would have put some laundromats out of business, it was so brisk.

Because these are only low-resolution images, a lot of the sharpness drops out. But if I continually posted high-res images here, the blog would take much longer to load. However, I will post one of these shots on my RedBubble site, so you can view it there.

One of the really interesting things about shooting wattle is the graceful shape and colour of the miniature leaves that surround the blossoms. This image (above) was actually shot while I crouched down below a branch - just to give you a slightly different perspective of a beautiful tree and its colours.

Visit Luiz Santilli Jr for the home of Today's Flowers.

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