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Thursday, May 14, 2009

How to Get a Seat on the Tube

Fantastically topical cartoon from Schweppes on how you might manage to get a seat on the London Underground.

How to get a seat on the Tube Schweppes campaign

I'm not sure if it will actually appear as a real ad or if it will remain in the bowels of the internet as an out-take. But err, hats off to them, for delving into the Swine Flu fear.

I actually did see my first suited English looking person on the Tube last week wearing a face mask. I often see people from more far eastern climes wearing masks but I think that's more to do with them having colds and not wanting to spread viruses to other people.

However, I'm pleased there hasn't been a mass round of people with face masks on the Tube, specially as I've heard they'll actually do little to prevent the spread of Hamthrax, the Aporkalypse or whatever its new webby name is.

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