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Thursday, July 19, 2007

Being Entirely Silly

(Image off the internet and from CartoonStock)

Jon felt yesterday's post was a tad on the serious side - so today we will be silly. Silly is good sometimes. Actually, sometimes you can't really notice silly amongst all the other silliness that goes on, on the planet... This is at least (I hope) harmless silliness... and was found over at Wanderlust Scarlett's place. (And it can probably all be put down to far too much intense editing, as is going on at present.)

4 things that should go into room 101 and be removed from the face of the earth.
• Prune juice - see below
• Baked beans - see below
• Mosquitoes (she said scratching furiously)
• Fast food (which is seldom fast or food)

3 things people do that make you want to shake them violently.
• Farting in elevators
• Queue-jumping (whilst farting)
• Talking to themselves and looking vague whilst shopping (oh! oops! I do that... erm...)

2 things you find yourself moaning about.
• Mould tap dancing on the cheese, again
• The rat in the compost heap playing the bagpipes at midnight (mind you, he may have been at the prune juice - it's hard to tell...)

1 thing the above answers tell you about yourself.
• I've been taking life too seriously, have smoked my socks (and I was wondering why I had so many stray socks...) and am now paying for my sins with a dose of inanity... or is that insanity...

I will attempt to be more serious again tomorrow - or perhaps not.

You've lost it, you have.
And you would know, would you?
As a keen of observer or humanity I would most certainly know.
Well, yes, I suppose you're probably right, after all, here I am having a conversation with a five foot four alien chicken - who probably doesn't exist anywhere else other than in my imagination.
Ba-kaaaak! Take that back!
Make me! (oh oops, shouldn't have said that, should not have said that...)
Oooooooooooowwwwwwwwww! Atyllah, stop it! Ouch! Okay, I take it back, I take it back! Owwweeeeeeeee!
Ba-kaaaak! Ha! Humans can't take them anywhere, can't expect sanity. Mad, all of you, completely clucking mad! Ba-kaaaaaak!

Hmmm, she seems to have disappeared, so I will add one more item to things I find myself moaning about.... talking, interfering chickens!

I heard that!

Ooops! Gotta go! Aiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.....

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