Monday, December 31, 2007
Star Kissed Skin
The skins is a beautiful gray blue hue. It is perfect for those naughty pixies that enjoy playing their devilishly pranks when less likely seen. (If you haven't checked out ColeMarie's flickr, please do. She has the ad used in the display at her store in her feed.)
You can tell that the highlights and shading are excellent and the skin has been kissed by the night sky leaving stars trailing about on the skin.
(The skin is modeled with the following: Gemstone Eyes worn in all pictures are from Inspired $1 fat pack, EG Hair Rocker Hair $0, Pasties by Dark Eden $0, Bottoms from the Miss Anne Thropy Dress by Free 4 Fae $0)
When my drow saw this skin she just had to ham it up to.
(Modeled with: Free Drow outfit from the Everwind (role play) sims $0, Hair from Body Basics $0, Spider Branches from Grendels Children $1 )
And here the Drow is modeling the new Alice in Wonderland inspired tattoos:
[Along with the tats and skin from Free 4 Fae: a hair([DE] Etains First Hair Crone)I picked up at Dark Eden for $0 and the Dark Eden Pasties.]
But wait up Guys, if you're feeling left out you really shouldn't be because there is also a lovely unisex Marionette Mannerisms skin at Free 4 Fae too.
(Free for Fae Unisex Marionette Skin! modeled with hair pictured above from Dark Eden $0 total)
Happy New Year

(& ATYLLAH...)
Alley Dukes
ALLEY DUKES #Montreal, Quebec -Canada#
Genre: Rockabilly/Pornobilly
"If this ain't rockabilly...you can suck my balls!"
Band Members :DANNY DUKE: vocals and guitar, ZAK DUKE: amplified guitar, MO "Barely Legal" DUKE: upright bass, BUCK DUKE: drums
Influences : Benny Joy, Joe Hill, Benny Hill, Hasil Adkins, the Atkins Diet, Al Ferrier, Charlie Feathers, chicken feathers, Roc LaRue, Johnny Powers, Austin Powers, Poison, Ronnie Self, ourselves, Ronnie Milsap, the Misfits, Bloodshot Bill, Bon Jovi, Joe Clay, the Phantom, Link Wray, Art Linkletter, Gene Maltais, Gene Simmons, Richard Simmons, Ray Condo, condos, condors, Vulgar Deli, Joe Maphis, Iron Maiden, Iron Chef, W.C. Fields, Venom, Sleepy LaBeef, beef, boobies, LOTS OF BEER, porn, and especially our spiritual leader...
Sounds Like : four drunken rednecks
Screwed, lawd and tattooes Redneck Rockabilly 4-piece from Canada with decadent tales of drunken debauchery, perverse sex, venereal diseases, and loose morals! Totally rockin' sounds - but not for the easily offended
Alley Dukes - Northern Rednecks -2005
1. Alley Dukes - slippin' & slidin' (in you) (1:39)
2. Alley Dukes - johnny d (2:28)
3. Alley Dukes - drinkin' my life away (2:32)
4. Alley Dukes - (ain't just) a way out (3:20)
5. Alley Dukes - goodbye train (2:36)
6. Alley Dukes - your sister (2:33)
7. Alley Dukes - change my way (2:12)
8. Alley Dukes - she gave me an itch (2:19)
9. Alley Dukes - chockin' the chicken (1:47)
10. Alley Dukes - black magic (2:16)
11. Alley Dukes - look somewhere else (3:00)
12. Alley Dukes - endless road (3:27)
13. Alley Dukes - no more hot dogs (8:56)
Alley Dukes - Northern Rednecks
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Stream of consciousness ramble – Culture and Belonging

It’s as hot as hell here and I think my brain has turned to mush, or just melted. In view of the fact that thinking is presently beyond me and my ISP is broken yet again, I’m tunneling out briefly and resorting to something I scribbled a couple of days ago - and sharing some cooling pool reflection shots, which I know those of you in the cold, wet and snow probably really don’t need to see right now.
The previous post on The Material Culture has caused me to ponder a somewhat related concept, prompted by D’s remark that it must be quite fun to have blog visiting to do. My response was to say that I felt that blogosphere was a community to which one belonged and within that community - that culture of blogging - were individual communities of writers, photographers, cooks, gardeners, knitters, dog lovers, scientists, lawyers etc etc. Tribes, I suppose one might call them. And it struck me then, thinking of what I’d posted on the new culture of materialism that blogging goes perhaps, in some way, to also make up for the other crumbling “old” cultures and structures. Of course, there’s no doubt that it’s unquestionably a part of the globalization trend. If I think of those who visit here - there are Americans, Brits, French, Welsh, Irish, Indian, Australians, Canadians and a host of others – although once very separate, in blogosphere we find ourselves very much together, sharing thoughts and ideas, finding ourselves in agreement – and occasionally in conflict - but all reaching out to one another - one being to another, linked through cyberspace. And, as G&G from It Must Be The Vapors pointed out, beyond, for now, the grasp of government.
His comment, which I hope he doesn’t mind me quoting said:
“The interweb blogosphere is a perfect working model of how relationships across the globe serve the same function as tribes, enterprises, and self sustaining trade agreements with no need of government regulation whatsoever. We are much better than governments gives us freedom to be. Not being bound by physical location nullifies the ideas of nations and borders except for the unique cultural contributions we all bring.”
So perhaps blogosphere and cyberspace also go some way to create a new culture where the old cultures are crumbling. Perhaps blogging is another cultural construct, much like shopping – but, perhaps a considerably more meaningful one.
For me, this creation of new cultural constructs is quite pertinent since I have little concept of nationality, of what it is to be a South African. My heritage is central and northern European. My education was very much in the English/British mold. I have never felt a sense of belonging here – it’s just where I am. As such the nationality by which many define themselves has never really had much of a claim on me. Likewise, I belong to no religious grouping – been there, done that and decided to focus on a far broader spirituality than one defined by a particular doctrine and dogma. Similarly, as an only-child, family has little significance so again, it’s not something I feel I belong to. I consider myself, ultimately, I suppose, to be a citizen of the world – whatever that might be, and yet, I also don’t subscribe to the Material Culture.
All this has often left me wondering about belonging and where I belong - and yet, at the same time, I don’t feel like I don’t belong. I suspect, perhaps that being part of other communities, like blogosphere, a community of like-minded thinkers and a community of writers, is what does it. And of course, I also happen to know that I am part of a very different community, a far greater one that goes beyond the Earthly realm and I think that, more than anything else, gives rise to a tremendous sense of being and belonging - and of being interconnected.
How about you? How are you impacted by culture and community? How much do you belong, need to belong? Is blogosphere a cultural concept or a “tribe” for you?
And if none this post makes any sense, you can safely assume my brain has fried, melted and leaked out all over my desk. Now will someone please send some snow! What do you mean it will melt in the post? Oh well, best I go and through myself in the pool then.

Bodhisatwa Vajrasattva

Vajrasattva is said to have been originated from seed syllable Hum and is generally invoked for removal of obscuration of conflicting emotions (Kleshavarana) and obstruction to Omniscience (Jneyavarana).

The second opponent power is the sincere regret for the non-virtuous action done by oneself.
The third opponent power is desisting from evil deeds.
The fourth opponent power is to apply power of good deeds; and specially regarding this case, practicing the meditation and recitation of Vajrasattva without parting from Bodhicitta while remaining in the state of emptiness.
Right Picture is Vajra-sattva hundred syllable mantra

Vajra-sattva is a very popular tutelary deity for Nepalese Vajracaryas. He is worshipped very often by Nepalese Buddhists through Gurumandala ritual. The Svabhavika sect in Nepal identified Swabhava or Swa [own], bhava [nature] Adi-Buddha with Vajrasattva, who, according to the Nepalese Buddhist writings, manifested himself on Mount Sumeru in the following manner. A lotus-flower of precious jewels appeared on the summit of mountain which is the center of the universe, and above it arose a moon-crescent upon which,' supremely exalted', was seated Vajrasattva.
Certain Lamaist sects identified Vajrasattva with Vajradhara, while others looked upon Vajrasattva as an active form of Vajradhara, who was too lost in divine quietude to occupy him directly with the affairs of sentient beings. Visit the link to read about Vajradhara, Bajra satwa พระโพธิสัตว์วัชรสัตโต
Saturday, December 29, 2007
An early New Year's
Business by day:
*Love.Aya* has 21 full perms outfits available all $0 each (and a couple of the sweaters could be modified to fit the guys). Some are casual and some business; all cute. (If you wander around this sim you'll find other goodies. On my quick look around the sim I saw: pirate eye patches with a variety of designs on them, martini glass tub, 1 prim chair (full permissions), kitty messenger bag, shoulder pets, and a zzzz afk tool. Just take a look around.)
(*Love.Aya* Black Suit, Three Piece Suit and Crimson Suit. All modeled with the following: Glitz Shoes from Playboy $1, Another Skin - SE $0 , Diversity Hair Jorslei $0 for a Limited Time!, Stockings are from Opium Everyday's Little Black Dress Gift from Christmas $0, Gemstone Eyes by Inspired $1)
Party by night:
The above pink dress is $1 from S.Y.D. designs and the red one is by Flutterby for $0.
(The Pink Dress from S.Y.D. designs is modeled with the following: L'Oreal Paris *Perfectly Pastel* Skin can be obtained at Calla Hair $0, Gemstone Eyes by Inspired $1, tukinowaguma Natumi hair $0, fur earrings from Black Ageha $0)
(The Red Dress from Flutterby is modeled with the following: Another Skin - FE $0, Gemstone Eyes by Inspired $1, EG Hair (unisex) dored1 $0, Romantic Rose Faerie Wings from Free 4 Fae $0, Black and White Beaded Heels from the Two Pairs of Freebie shoes box at She's So Unusual $1)
Friday, December 28, 2007
Meaning of Mantra Om Mani Padme Hum

Pronunciation (Tibetan):
Om Mani Peme Hum.
Mantra for Love and Compassion.
What is the Meaning of OM MANI PADME HUM ?
Om encloses the dimensions of Body, Speech and Spirit. Often in life we experience disturbances and negative emotions which draw us away from our true nature. The OM gives us the possibility to transform this into pureness. OM also can be translates as the essence of all enlightened form.
MANI means Jewel that stands for love and compassion (these two make everything possible and are a real jewel.)
PADME is Lotus, the flower that grows on the water and that shows everything exactly as it is; a vision in reality. The flower of wisdom and understanding (insight).
HUM represents the spirit of enlightenment. The effect is stabilization and purifying of the spirit.
If you like this prayer wheel to be place in your blog, website or Email.
Copy And paste below Code into the HTML Page.
Copy And paste below Code into the HTML Page.
See how it's look on dark background website See SAMPLE BLOG
You May Also Like To Read previous post :
Tibetan Prayer Wheel
Happiness Is Om Mani Padme Hum
The long mantra of Compassion Buddha
The Material Culture

Well, the ISP has been buggering about something terrible these last few days making access to the blogosphere nigh well impossible. A “major international failure” was how D described it. Anyway, before the lines all crashed down, I was able to get to Baino’s site and to this post on seasonal sales and rank consumerism which really struck me. (Please do read it to put my post into better context.) Just what is it, I wondered, that has made the world so increasingly materialistic?
Although the consumer culture is true of most places today, I thought specifically of South Africa because it’s where I am and it’s a place where everyone noticeably suffers from an incredibly bad dose of “Gotta Have”. Do bear in mind though that most here live well below the poverty line, that the vast majority struggle to put food on the table and that unemployment is high. One of the worries at this time of year is how many school leavers will pass their final year – not because there’s a worry that many will fail – but that the pass rate will be too high and there is little hope of employment for most of these children. But here’s the thing, everyone, rich and poor, have to “Have”. Interest rates are running high as it is, inflation is looking skywards and the government consistently urges low or no spending. But do the general populace heed any of this? Not a chance – they’re out there spending and buying like there is no tomorrow - buying on credit, running up debts with little or no concept of the true cost. I asked a woman I know how, when she had to borrow money for school fees and had defaulted on her electricity and municipal payments, she could even think of buying a new TV, a microwave, a ceiling fan and a computer. She said it was important to have these things or others thought less of you, to have them meant you had “arrived”. And if you had them and someone else didn’t then you were better than them. The confusion of values struck me forcibly. And perhaps I should add that this woman lives in a tin shanty in what was originally a squatter camp. Her debts are not insignificant and she regularly receives “red letters” from various credit agencies but this doesn’t seem to trouble her – so long as she “Has”, she’s fine. Yet hers is not an isolated case, and, more curiously, the “condition” is not isolated to only the impoverished. South Africa, like so many places is caught up in the mayhem of consumer greed. Gotta Have is the new culture, the new means of defining who one is.
And see, here’s the thing, in pondering the Rise of Stuff: Stuff - materialism - has become the new culture, the new religion, the new family and value system – the thing that defines us - in a world that has seen the increasing demise of the role of the nation state. And along with the watering down of nationality through globalization, there has also been a whittling away of religious influence and the break up of the family unit – as a result of both the former. In South Africa this break down is felt particularly acutely.
Apartheid saw to the destruction of the family when men were forced away from the rural areas to work on the mines, leaving women, children and old folks at home. Traditional family values were corrupted and families were scattered. In a similar way, these same people have been propelled from separate “tribes” (Xhosa, Zulu, Sotho, Venda, Tswana etc) into homogeneous South Africans at an incredible speed. They’ve also shot from rural lifestyles into cities (in the constant search for employment – so they can buy stuff) and, increasingly, the global village. They’ve gone from thatched mud huts to New York skyscrapers and the “glamourous life of plenty” through the medium of television and Hollywood movies. They’ve gone from donkey cart to jets in a few short years. Traditional religions have likewise given way first to Western religions and then the erosion of those Western religions. But it’s not just the impoverished masses who are affected, everyone is. The guy storming along the motorway in his brand new BMW 6 series or his Bentley is not really that much different. He too clings to Status as a means of defining who he is. See, where he used to business in Cape Town and perhaps Johannesburg, he now does business in Hong Kong, London and New York. Where his family used to be all around him, he now has kids in Sydney, Los Angeles, Toronto and London. Where he used to have just one family unit he now has three scattered families courtesy of his three wives. Where Church gave him direction he now thinks it’s a load of old cobblers. And so, Materialism and Fun have become his culture, his religion, his family and his value system – and, as such, his means of defining who he is.
The reality is we are “developing” so fast that we have spiraled out of control and the things that held us together, the old values, have flown out the window as we whizz through time and space attempting to (re)define ourselves. It seems that we are not yet sufficiently evolved to get along without needing to define ourselves - and so enters the Culture of Materialism. We are our stuff, and we are defined, made meaningful, by the amount and kind of stuff we own. And of course those who don’t fit the box, who do not conform, are the heathens – because they too, by definition, must be defined and boxed in some way by all those others.

Thursday, December 27, 2007
Small Town Pimps
Genre: Psychobilly/Punkabilly
"Small Town Pimps (the original)"
Band Members : Kinky Pimp/Guitar & Lead Vocals Sexy Pimp/Contrabass Turbo Pimp/Drumstuff
Here they are: The most fabulous, fantastic, dangerous, greatest and the nicest trio of rock«n«roll guys you ever will meet.
Small town Pimps started (as a musical trio) about 1995. Their original pimpbusiness goes way back in the 50«s. Bangin away old covers of Vincent, Cochran, Batmobile and the rest of the traditional rockabillystuff in their first line-up: T. Palin on guitar, M Wistršm on a big bass with 2 holes on the front, M Frank on drums. About a year later H Jonsson joined in. The pimps first album was released on Crazy Love Records 1997 entitled "Pimplyfied" and contained original material about zombies, babes and billy. In 1998 Small Town Pimps became a trio again; H Jonsson Guitars & almost vocals,M Wiström bass and M Frank on drums.
During the past years they«ve travelled around and played a lot of fantastic gigs on festivals, carclubs, parties, pubs, clubs mainly in Sweden but also in europe (Spain, Germany, Norway, Denmark, Finland). A concert with the pimps is never boring, never sad, never slow. During the spring in 1999 a new record was released "For a few hookers more" on the same great german label. The reviews were more than great. Their latest album has been released on the well known german label: Knock-Out records. The CD/vinyl is titled "B-I-N-G-O!"". Their best rockin stuff ever, so go and check it out. (2003 the Funny Pimp took farewell and STP welcomed Rookie Pimp on drums). In 2004 STP recorded they long awaited 4th album "Sexpaty IV" which is soon to be released. A great sounding record we've heard. :)
Along with the new album "sexparty 4" there's also a "best of" album to be released: "Red Light Classics" containing tracks from the old records and a few unreleased tracks! Both of the albums released on Fast & Angry RECORDS. Enjoy!
Dont do drugs, do music
Small Town Pimps - Sexparty 4 -2007
1. Zombie Rock
2. Ron Jeremy
3. Backyard Love
4. Hot Roddin
5. Bye Baby
6. Leaving My Bitch
7. The King Ain’t Dead
8. Pimplyfied
9. Right Behind You Baby
10. Horny Bop
11. Alligator Jump
12. Fat & Lazy
13. High Speed Rumble
14. Ron Jeremy (Karaokeversion)
Aquí escribes el resto del contenido que no se vera.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Christmas gifts by way of happy accidents
Amidst the various preparations, Christmas dished up some happy photographic accidents. You know the kind of shot that you weren't expecting which then leads to an entire photo-shoot to capture similar effects? Well, this was my additional and unexpected present courtesy of shaky hands and long exposures. There are plenty of steady shots too (as you'll see from the first and last images here) as a result of using the tripod but they're not quite as colourful.
Hope you enjoyed a happy Christmas and are now all set for your New Year's bash - if indeed you indulge in such a thing.