BALZAC #Osaka, -Japan#Genre:
Band Members: Balzac was formed in Osaka, Japan in 1992 by Hirosuke Nishiyama. He is the only remaining original member of the band. The current line-up consists of Hirosuke Nishiyama (Vocals), Atushi Nakagawa (Guitar/Chorus), Akio Imai (Bass/Chorus), and Takayuki Manabe (Drums/Digital Effects/Chorus).
About Balzcac (in english)
Balzac son conocidos como los Japoneses reyes del "Devil Rock". Con una película de horror constantemente presente en su imagen y sonido, son generalmente comparados a leyendas del Punk-rock como
The Misfits, lo cual es algo que llama frecuentemente la atención de Punks de todo el mundo.
De hecho, The Misfits tuvo a Balzac bajo su brazo en algún instante de 1996, lo cual creó una relación "maestro-aprendiz" entre las bandas que sigue existiendo hasta el día de hoy. Además, ambas anuncian trabajos del otro en sus respectivos sitios Web, e incluso colaboraron en un coupling CD en 2002, en el cual The Misfits hizo el cover de Day the Earth Caught Fire, una de las canciones más famosas de Balzac.
Autor : Scottie Wolfe
traducción : Halley_vk (2006-10-15)
La banda se formó en Osaka en 1992, liderando conciertos en esa zona y también en Tokyo. Un año más tarde lanzaron su primer single con Evilegend Records, sello que ellos mismo crearon. Siguiente a su éxito, fueron lanzados 4 singles más por HG Fact y MCR, y más tarde por Omnibus.
"Last Men on Earth", el primer álbum de la banda, fue lanzado el 10 de Octubre de 1995. Comenzaron las comparaciones a la legendaria banda Estado Unidense The Misfits, debido a la música e imagen terrorífica de Balzac.
Fanáticos del punk alrededor del mundo habían oído acerca de aquellos "clones de Misfits" y prestaron atención a su música.
Balzac tuvo cambios en su formación en 1996, y se cambiaron a Phalanx Records en 1997 para lanzar su segundo álbum. "Deep".
Luego, la banda fue elegida para abrir la presentación de The Misfits en su gira por Japón. Lo que comenzó la relación "maestro-aprendiz" entre ambas bandas que perduran hasta la actualidad.
Eventos y festivales como el Devilock Night y Mosh Boyz vieron más actividad en la banda, finalmente resultando en 2 giras por Japón junto a Sobut. Luego, el 31 de Octubre de 1998, fue lanzado su tercer álbum; 13 Stairway, con grandes ventas y que más tarde se agotaría por completo en su primera gira one-man en Tokyo, Nagoya y Osaka.
Se embarcaron en una nueva gira nacional por Japón en 1999 (después del lanzamiento de otros dos singles), lo cual fue un éxito absoluto.
Un poco mas tarde, fue fundado el Balzac Fiendish Club, lo cual era básicamente un fan club dirigido únicamente por los miembros de la banda. La idea era imitar el The Misfits Fiend Club.
Durante los primeros meses de 2000, The Misfits volvía a Japón e inmediatamente añadían a Balzac en su gira. Una vez más, la combinación fue dinamita y el público se tornó salvaje. Después de ese año, Balzac estuvo en una gira nacional siendo la apertura para The Mad Capsule Markets. Seguido a dicha gira, Medicom Toy Co. produjo una edición limitada de figuras de Balzac de 12 pulgadas. Fueron rápidamente un éxito y significo otras muchas colaboraciones entre la banda y Medicom.
En 2002, finalmente se presentaban en EE.UU. como apertura para The Misfits (quién otro!). La reacción del publico fue mejor de lo que cualquiera habría pensado, y fue en ese momento cuando el mundo cogió la fiebre-Balzac. Fansites originarios no solo de Norte América, sino que además de Europa emergió desde lo más recóndito del Internet. Más tarde, Fiendish Club abría sus puertas a ambos continentes.
En 2003, sellos Americanos y Europeos finalmente comenzaban a producir los lanzamientos de Balzac, lo cual confirmaba que la banda era una fuerza que se debía tomar en cuenta.
En 2004, los fans Europeos probaban la calidad de Balzac en la gira Came Out of the Grave, un viaje de 7 semanas por todo Europa como protagonistas. Los fans Alemanes debieron darles una asombrosa bienvenida, ya que en Septiembre de 2005 Balzac volvió para 10 presentaciones exclusivas!
Hasta el momento, Balzac ha hecho giras alrededor del mundo, lanzado 10 álbumes, 10 DVDs e incontables singles (por todo el mundo) y han abierto tiendas de sus productos en Japón. Continúan siendo asociados a The Misfits, pero está absolutamente claro sobre los años que Balzac no es simplemente una banda copia de otra. Aunque fuertemente inspirados por las mismas cosas, Balzac continúa yendo fuerte en nuevas direcciones mientras mantienen el sonido que los fans aman. El futuro parece brillante para éstos Punk-rockers, cuya carrera parece tomar la velocidad de un tren. Y éste tren no se detendrá.
Autor : Scottie Wolfe
traducción : Halley_vk (2006-10-15)
Balzac - The Last Men On Earth
01 - night of the blood beast
02 - diabolos
03 - 13 ghosts
04 - day the earth caught fire
05 - long way - before the day goes over the night
06 - god of mercy ii
07 - fiendish ghouls
08 - night tide
09 - vanishes in oblivion
10 - from hell it came
11 - psycho in 308
12 - monster ii
13 - girl from horrorwood
Balzac- Zennou Naru Musuu No Me Ha Shi Wo Yubi Sasu
01 -while i await my second death
02 -day the earth caught fire
03 -unvarnished facts
04 -zennou naru musuu no me ha shi wo yubi sasu
05 -hands of 9 evils
06 -blood bath=blood mind
07 -teenage vampire 49
08 -the end of century
09 -to kill your master
10 -break fuckin' yourself
11 -into the light of the 13 dark night
12 -maybe the future
13 -bonus track
Balzac- Zennou Naru Musuu No Me Ha Shi Wo Yubi Sasu

Balzac - Out Of The Grave And Into The Dark
1. The Grave - Dreizen
2. Zetsubou-No-Ano-Basyo-E
3. Season Of The Dead
4. Inside My Eyes
5. Shi-Wo-Yubi-Sasu
6. The Pain Is All Around
7. Came Out Of The Grave
8. Beyond Evil 308
9. Art Of Dying
10. The World Without End, The Pain Is Not Around (reprise)
11. I'm Losing You
12. Beware Of Darkness (2004 version)
13. I Know
14. Gimme Some Truth (bonus track)
15. Beyond Evil 308, Pt. 1
16. D.A.R.K.
17. Blood Inside '68
18. Beyond Evil 308, Pt. 2
19. Gyakusatsu-No-Mukougawa
20. XXXxxx
21. I Can't Stand It Anymore
22. Yami-No-Hikari-E

Balzac - 13 STAIRWAY The Children of the Night
1) Atomic Age
2) Nowhere # 13
3) Sad no. 99
4) Legacy II
5) Tomorrow
6) The Slaughter House
7) Destruction Another Wall
8) The Bleeding Light / The Children Of The Night

Balzac - Beyond the Darkness
1) Thirteen
2) Day The Earth Caught Fire
3) Wall
4) Into The Light Of The 13 Dark Night
5) Black Light Shines In '90, The
6) Nowhere
7) Yami-no Mukou-No Subete-Wo
8) Out Of The Blue II
9) In Your Face
10) Silence Of Crows, The
11) Tomorrow
12) Vanishes In Oblivion
13) End Of Century, The
14) Monster II
15) Beware Of Darkness
16) Violent Paradise
17) Bleeding Light, The
18) Diabolos - (live, bonus track)
19) 13 Ghosts - (live, bonus track)
20) Day The Earth Caught Fire - (live, bonus track)
Balzac - Deep Blue Chaos From Dark Ism 2

1. Death And Confrontation
2. Godless
3. The Scare
4. In Those Days
5. D.A.R.K.
6. Horrorock
7. Ziggy Stardust
8. The Game
9. .
10. Deep Blue
11. Japanese Chaos
12. XXXxxx
13. .
14. Japanese Trash
15. I Can't Stand It Anymore
16. Alone

Balzac - Descent Of The Diabolos (Demo Cassette)
01. Balzac - Scapegoat
02. Balzac - Diabolos
03. Balzac - Violent Paradise
04. Balzac - Thirteenth & God Of Mercy
05. Balzac - Monster

Balzac - Dark-ism
01 - beyond evil 308 pt. 1
02 - d.a.r.k.
03 - blood inside '68
04 - beyond evil 308 pt. 2
05 - gyakusatsu no mukougawa
06 - xxxxxx
07 - i can't stand it anymore
08 - yami no hikari e

V A - Balzac + Sobut - Oldevils: Legend of Blood
01 - balzac - the end of century
02 - balzac - fear-soko ni arubeki mono no subete wo
03 - balzac - no resistance 1968
04 - sobut - song #7
05 - sobut - calling youth
06 - sobut - rad rad rad
"Dark-ism" & " V A - Balzac + Sobut - Oldevils: Legend of Blood" (split with SOBUT) here in one archive (thx not_like_most from † Russian Horrorpunk Freax † ) -
Balzac & Misfits :Don't Open Til Doomsday/Day The Earth Caught Fire
Day The Earth Caught Fire
Don't Open Til Doomsday
Y a continuación una serie de links que el compañero crackvictim666 dejó hace tiempo en Funkysouls
And next a series of links that the fiend crackvictim666 leave time ago in Funkysouls

Balzac - Into the Light of the 13 Dark Night (Single)
This was recorded during the 13 Stairway era, most of these songs appeared on later releases.
Into the Light of the 13 Dark Night is one of my personal favs, as well as Sorrow 9.
With some good looking you can find this EP fairly easily. I got it in New York City for $16.00 USD.
Tracklist includes:
-Into the Light of the 13 Dark Night
-Long Way -Before the Day Goes Over the Night-
-FEAR -Sokoni Arubeki Mono no Subete Wo-
-Sorrow 9
For more info:

Balzac - Nowhere Number13/Tomorrow (single)
this was released during the Zennou Naru era, at particular venues in Japan, it came in four different sleeves.
Tracks Include:
-Nowhere #13
Enjoy!!! Share too!!!
**NOTE: Tomorrow may not work on I-Tunes (assuming that some of you have it) otherwise, it'll play just fine on Windows Media Player
More info here:
**P.S. Also, you may be asking yourself to why all of the songs i've posted are in m4a format, well, that's because it's the format used on I-Tunes, if you use Media Player, you can easily convert it to mp3, at least windows should convert it for you.
i don't have cover art or anymore info on this specific single :-/
Balzac - Sorrow 9 (single)
This was released early this year along with The Human Blood single (sadly, i don't have this single :-/).
For those who don't know Balzac is known for re-recording many of their classic tracks, and this, along with The Human Blood, is one of them. Sorrow 9 was originally released in 1999 on the Into the Light of the 13 Dark Night single (i'll post that one up next).
This single in particular (Sorrow 9) was recorded during The Deranged Mad Zombies, 13 Hits from Darkism sessions.
Tracks include:
-Sorrow 9 (Version 1)
-Sorrow 9 (Version 2)
-Sorrow 9 (Remix)

Balzac - Unvarnished Facts (CD single)
Recorded during the Zennou Naru sessions, this CD was limited to 2001 copies, and was sold thoughtout Balzac shows in Japan.
Tracks Include:
-Unvarnished Facts
-When the Fiendish Ghouls Night III (the file says II but it's really III)
-Horrorwood II

for more info and cover art go to:

Balzac - Hands of 9 Evils
We have the Hands of 9 Evils 7" single.
This release accompanied the Kubrick box set (if you don't know what kubricks are, they're kinda like legos, but they're manufactured by medicom toys, which is a prominent toy company from Japan.)
The tracks include:
-Hands of 9 Evils
-The Bleeding Light
for more info:
please share!

Balzac - Neat Neat Neat
Here's the Neat Neat Neat Flexi single that Balzac put out during either the oldevils, Into the Light, or Zennou Naru sessions.
Balzac covered the THE DAMNED song called "NEAT NEAT NEAT".
Tracks Include:
-Neat Neat Neat (The Damned)
-End of the Century (Studio Outtake)
This was originally distributed at Balzac shows throughout Japan, then it was picked up by Horrorwood U.S. and Fiendish Club EU and sold to fiendish club memebers in limited quantities.
for more info:
and as always, please share!!

Balzac - Gimmie Some Truth Vol. 1
This Promo was used for sale in Europe, and is now being sold at Shocker World Wide.
This promo also includes some older recordings that would be on the Came Out of the Grave album.
originally a 2 disc set,
Disc 1 contains (Pt.1):
-Gimmie Some Truth
-Taste of Blood
-Season of the Dead
Balzac - Gimmie Some Truth Vol. 2.
The 2nd Disc contains:
-Gimmie Some Truth
-Eerie Night
-Inside My Eyes
more info:

Balzac - HorrorRock - The Rain (EP)
1. Horrorock
2. The Rain
Rain is only available throught either the Rain single, or through I-Tunes Japan.
luckily this post solves all your problems :-)
HorroRock (Single Version) (mp3)
(And I Touched the Silence of) The Rain (.mp3)
please share!!

if you want to look at cover art check this site:

Balzac - 13 Hits From Darkism
This next album is a rarity since it was only released in Europe, to Fiendish Club Europe members. it's called 13 Hits from Darkism, and this album is amazing.
technically speaking, this is actually Balzac's 1st "greatest hits" album, but unlike many greatest hits albums before it, each classic track was re-recorded to Balzac's current playing style.
13 Hits will have you singing woah choruses all night long, as well as pogoing to your heart's content.
Tracks Include:
-Psycho in 308
-When the Fiendish Ghouls Night
-Long Way
-13 Ghosts
-Black Sunday
-Sorrow 9
-No Resistance 1968
-Unvarnished Facts
-Space Vampire in Silence Noise
-Human Blood
-Isolation From No. 13
-Taste of Blood ~Waltz~
Enjoy. and please share
For more info go here:

Zodiac - Beware On Halloween
Next up, we got ZODIAC, which is Balzac's 1st incognito band, this creation of pure madness emerged during the DARK-ism recording sessions, and through the band's fascination with serial killers, ZODIAC was born.
Their 1st song(s) Zodiac Killer pt.1 and 2, became instant hits, so during 2006, Balzac went to the studio as Zodiac to record a full length album entitled Beware On Halloween.
This album is brutal, and quite possibly one of Balzac's STRONGEST offerings.
in a world where bands are rated from a 1-10 scale, this band goes up to 11 and BEYOND.
songs include:
-before the nightmare
-brain control
-the fright
13th. on a friday night
-the killer in the window
-dream of the zodiac
-beware on halloween
-no mercy
for more info check this site:

Zodiac - Zodiac Killer - Overseas Version
Next up, we got another release from ZODIAC (Balzac).
This release in particular is an overseas version of Zodiac's Zodiac Killer Pt.1 and Pt.2, this was used as a promotion for the Horrorwood distro (which is, even though i'm not sure if his distro is up and running anymore..:-/).
The tracks on this ep were used on a CD-R ZODIAC/Balzac put out while recording the DARK-ism mini album. It was an extremely limited release, i think it was only limited to 308 copies for one color, and 138 copies for another color. anyway, if you get your hands on the original, you're a lucky man/woman.
Tracks include:
-Zodiac Killer Pt. 1 (Silent Killer Mix)
-Zodiac Killer Pt. 2 (Silent Killer Mix)
-Zodiac Killer Pt. 1 (Violent Killer Mix)
-Zodiac Killer Pt. 2 (Violent Killer Mix)
-Zodiac Killer Pt. 1 (Live)
-Zodiac Killer Pt. 2 (Live)
For more info go here:
The Deranged Mad Zombies - The Deranged Mad Zombies
This is Balzac's 2nd incognito band, in this album, Balzac play some of their most famous songs, but in the purest rawest form of punk rock brilliance.
tracks include:
-psyche dungeon
-when the fiendish ghouls night
-long way
-13 ghosts
-the human blood
-sorrow 9
-isolation from no. 13
-night of the bloodbeast (i don't have this track, once i get it, i will upload it ;-) please be patient)
-psycho in 308
for more info go here: